Category: Energy

21 Green Energy Startups to Watch


Sustainability is now popular. Governments are investing in a greener future. New concepts sprout like mushrooms after a rain. Green energy entrepreneurs generated a record $755 billion in investments in 2021, and this figure is only expected to rise in the near future. Renewable energy startups Renewable, clean, and green energy are frequently used interchangeably. […]

Renewable Energy vs Fossil Fuels: Facts


You’ve undoubtedly heard that renewable energy is rapidly evolving, while fossil fuels are becoming extinct. But you may be wondering, “What does all this talk really mean?” Don’t worry—we’ve highlighted five facts regarding renewable energy and fossil fuels to assist you grasp the current renewables growth. 1. The Difference Between Renewable Energy and Fossil Fuels […]

Eco-Friendly Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

Earth Day Energy

‘Earth Day’ serves as a reminder of our commitment to use clean, renewable solar energy to build a better, more sustainable future every day. There has never been a more crucial moment to use this day to consider the major and small differences we can make every day as climate change continues to raise temperatures […]